Scripting my online demise

When I created my first email ID back in 2000,, I did not have much use for it. A few years later, tired of all the spam I was receiving, I switched to That ID was put to much more frequent and meaningful use, as I was in college and away from the life I'd known till then. When Google launched their Gmail service in 2004, and I received the requisite invite, I signed up for Since then, aJCfreak has been my online presence. The ID stems from a dc Talk song, Jesus Freak . I wanted to be a Jesus freak, and it kind of epitomised everything that I desired to be. So it was perfect. Almost. Over the past 8-9 years, my online presence has grown to several locations and multiple avatars and IDs and such. It's something that I've become tied to. Who's ajcfreak? Yeah, that's me. In tying myself to this online ID, I seem to have tied my creative outputs to myself as well. For example, the scores of songs I...