iPhone 3G

Yes, I will be owning one, if all goes well, by the 22nd of August. I thought I might not have enough cash to go out and purchase one, but then I ended up praying to God to send someone who would be willing to gift it to me... and guess whom He sent? Smitha D. Gnanaolivu.

We all know that she's awesome and she's the sweetest, but this is like the icing and the cake. She's simply the best. She came forward on her own and said she'd been wanting to surprise me, but couldn't let me agonise over the thought that I might not be able to own one. So there.... I'll be getting it, hopefully.

God be praised. He's the rock and our ruler, and He certainly rocks and rules!!!!


Anonymous said…
lol,so nice
Dan said…
I know... Sad that they had to overprice it... Greedy corporate people!!!! :(

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