God, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Me

Rainbow Flag, from Wikimedia Commons by Ludovic Bertron Hate . That's what I see some Christians (as groups, and as individuals) spew when it comes to matters associated with the LGBT community. Whether it is a church group that pickets and holds up boards at a public event, or a renowned Christian leader preaching to the masses. I've seen quite a bit of hatred - all online. Love . That's what I think Christians need to be. It's what the God we believe in is, and it's what we need to strive towards. Above all else. The two greatest commandments hinge on love. I've seen little or no examples of love from Christians towards the LGBT community. Whispered conversations . That's what I see Christians partake in, when discussing the LGBT community and matters related to that community. No common discussions. Not much of sound advice from youth pastors and leaders on how we, Christians, should handle members of this community. Frowns . That's what we...