What I Want to Do in Life

Business photograph designed by Onlyyouqj - Freepik.com This is something I wrote when I was nearly 30. I just got up one night in July/August 2014, and typed this out on my then-new MacBook Air. Many of these I'd already either started or been involved in some way or the other. Some of these I'm sure, I can't ever do. But here's the thing - I finally know what I want to do/be in life. Apart from the job that I do. Or maybe, even at the job that I do. My life's mission statement for the next thirty years or so. Here goes... (The purpose of me putting this out there is two things: Firstly, if this can help inspire and 'sort' the thoughts of others, it should. Secondly, if anyone wants to discuss any of these aspects of 'doing' stuff with me, please feel free to get in touch) ______________________________________________________________________________ I want to write. That includes fiction - romantic short stories, thriller novels, m...