What I Want to Do in Life

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This is something I wrote when I was nearly 30. I just got up one night in July/August 2014, and typed this out on my then-new MacBook Air. Many of these I'd already either started or been involved in some way or the other. Some of these I'm sure, I can't ever do.

But here's the thing - I finally know what I want to do/be in life. Apart from the job that I do. Or maybe, even at the job that I do. My life's mission statement for the next thirty years or so. Here goes...

(The purpose of me putting this out there is two things: Firstly, if this can help inspire and 'sort' the thoughts of others, it should. Secondly, if anyone wants to discuss any of these aspects of 'doing' stuff with me, please feel free to get in touch)

I want to write. That includes fiction - romantic short stories, thriller novels, metaphorical essays, tributes to relationships in my life - and non fiction - challenging the political, social and cultural norms of today.

I want to blog. About technology, by way of reviews, opeds, and news. About bikes, in a similar manner. About restaurants, to keep track of the awesome dishes I order when I'm eating out. About films and TV shows, to point out things in them that most people miss.

I want to write and compose music. And then get various great singers to sing all of it. Maybe even sing a few of them myself. Then give it all away for free downloading. Just to help inspire people.

I want to shoot short videos. On two separate branches... First, to inspire people and give them hope. Second, to inspire people to live better lives, question the norms of the day, and seek deeper answers to the questions of life.

I want to take photographs. And tell stories. That inspire. That give hope. And that constantly keep pushing people to be better than who they already are.

I want to develop education. Conduct workshops for teachers. Help them to harness technology. Help them to widen their vistas. Assist them to open the minds of their children.

I want to sharpen ministry. Assist ministry workers to harness technology. Enable them to utilise all available tools. And rock the harvest for God.

I want to lead the church. To always be challenged. To always love, regardless of the costs. To always hold up Jesus as the supreme example for our living. To always take theology only from the word.

I would also like to do something substantial in society. Lobby for the cause of women. Challenge the notion that fair is beautiful. Change the way women are perceived in our society, in ANY society for that matter. Highlight environmental issues. Reduce our carbon footprint. And uplift the poor and work towards rural development also, as much as possible.

I want to disciple and develop people. Help them to grow out of their own regressive shells. To help them see themselves as God sees them. And help them gain confidence to face the challenges of this dark world.

I want to be there for my family. A loving husband, a caring father and a wonderful leader. To sacrifice self for them, at every possible turn, to every possible achievable goal.

Most of all, I want to live. For my Creator. Exalting Him. Worshiping Him. Adoring Him.


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