He's back... And how!!!

My bro is finally back from the UK. He got back last week, actually... And how!!! With a nice shaggy haircut (or the lack of it!) and completely clean-shaven face... And full of stories of how the service people had messed up almost everything on his trip....... Noone survived the onslaught of thecomputersam, I tell you - Dominoes Pizza UK, TGIF's UK, HSBC UK, KLM Airlines Amsterdam.... Ain't that enough? And he came back with an armload of CCM (Christian Music) CDs which rock (Mostly cos I asked him to get these! ;) ) Anyways, he's back. And he's back to occupying half the house. Feels good. Was good when he was away, is good now that he's back. I think that sums it all up. Apart from him coming back, here's what's been happening - I've not met any of ma friends over the past coupla weekends - ever since I got back from my trip to Mysore-Ooty-Madras.... Dunno why. Just never got down to it. And ma church-going is taking a back seat too. Need to get that...