Of breakfast tomatoes, love and learning

It's done people! Finally... I carted that ancient two-burner electric stove all the way from ma home in Madras to ma home in backyard Bangalore! I spent the whole evening on Sat shopping at the biggest Big Bazaar in India... And spent quite a bit in getting myself the basic essentials of a kitchen. But try as I did, I couldn't get pot-holders!!!! Whateva... I'm not complaining. Now, to all those Dan-fans out der... Please don't stone me, but the first dish that I cooked on this stove was not non-veg. It was a plain ol' tomato and egg rice thingy. (c'mon... it was late. I was hungry and tired!) But the second thing I made... Was pork gravy!!!! That was Sun for lunch. Am thinking of making that a regular Sun ritual. Sorry if this puts off any of you blog-readers out der... :D And today, I had breakfast tomatoes (lightly fried in butter) for Breakfast and made myself a country omellette for brunch. Am loving this...

I just got back last Fri from a round-trip to three places. Till the previous Sat afternoon, I spent at Smitha's house in Mysore. Caught the earliest bus to Ooty. At around ten in the night, I was back at home in Ketti - breathing that awesome valley-air et al. The time I spent there till Mon eve taught me quite a few things about Christianity, my own beliefs and christian leadership. It showed up many of my shortcomings and all that. All-in-all, the trip was good. Was able to spend some time with Kave, Alex, Renu from my batch and some of my juniors. Then, I almost missed my bus to Chennai... I thought ma bus was at half-past 9.00pm on Monday night.... While it was actually 9.00pm!!!! I just scraped in as the bus was leaving. Then at Madras, I met up with Khathee, Sheki, Kare, Sugat and AJ. Of course, I spent every evening at the Elangos'! I had the time to watch "Happy Feet" too. I recommend it to anyone with a love for the 'Family' type of movies... Some lines in it are really class. And the whole concept is very refreshing and all that. My time in Madras taught me quite a bit about lovin and relationships... And a lil about God. Was really good.

I got back and have been on a high for quite some time... Been listening to John Schlitt's "Shake" and Third Day's "Wire" which I purchased at the Gen-X store in Chennai. Really good. I really recommend both albums... Schlitt's more than Third Day's, though... :D

That's all for now, folks. Signing off, dutifully... Dandyboy.


pilgrim said…
I am so glad you liked Happy Feet!! It's such a fun, chilled-out movie - but ppl either love it or completely miss the point! It might also have to do with being post-colonial (as only a |||r friend liked it too!) lol
Anonymous said…
Atleast the end could have been pleasant!

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