He's back... And how!!!
Apart from him coming back, here's what's been happening - I've not met any of ma friends over the past coupla weekends - ever since I got back from my trip to Mysore-Ooty-Madras.... Dunno why. Just never got down to it. And ma church-going is taking a back seat too. Need to get that into order. Personal growth and in-depth study of the Bible is continueing... But church-wise growth is necessary too. Need to work on that part.
Mom came into town yesterday. Apparently, a women's fellowship here is holding a felicitation function for her having been made a Ph. D. Anyways, I wasn't able to attend the felicitation this evening - but on the whole, it gave me an excuse to meet+greet her with ma bro yesterday (Sunday) and then dine out at Three-Quarter China... A really neat place. Only one problem - They do not serve pork. Sorry case, I tell ya.... Anyways, the desserts there are good. As ma bro summed it up "With desserts like these, who needs the main course!" ;)
Then of course, I finally got those pix I took at Mishtu's wedding

This is where I'm signing the register. Honestly, I don't think I've ever done anything else in these 22.5 years of existence which has an equal level of legal importance coupled with moral obligation. Signing as a witness at Mishtu's wedding was awesome. It felt awesome. Can't explain it, really. You've gotter experience it to understand...
This one's a cool one. Me, my family and Mishtu's. Sounds good na? To say "Mishtu's family" and not have to include her mom, dad and sis. Seriously, this takes some getting used to.
And finally, the pic which has got just me, him and her. Looks good, in ma opinion. Ah.... What an event that was.
One of the single most momentous occasions in ma life so far, I guess!
On the entertainment side, I bought Richard Bach's "Jonathan Livingstone Seagull" on Friday and the "The Holy Blood & The Holy Grail" by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln - which is seen as the root source for the highly controversial "Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown. Don't worry folks - the one solid thing that I still believe in and base my life upon is the rock of Christ. Jus thought that it'd be interesting to find out what these goons have to say. And honestly, I tell you - their arguments suck. I've checked out their stuff on the web too - and as far as most authorities and historians on this field agree, none of their work has any substantial evidence. The supposedly-famous 'Priory of Sion' was a term coined by Gérard de Sède and Pierre Plantard (as stated by Arnaud de Sede, son of Gérard de Sède - on a TV interview "The Real Da Vinci Code" shown on UK Channel 4). So there.... But I'm still yet to finish reading the Holy Blood and the Holy Grail. Once I finish this, I plan to read the coupla-or-so sequels that those authors have written for it. And any of you ppl are welcome to borrow the books and read them for yourselves. ;)
As for the music that my bro brought back from the UK, I still haven't got through the whole stack. Been listening to some Point Of Grace, some Building 429, quite some Michael W. Smith and Steven Curtis Chapman, Audio Adrenaline, MercyMe and so on... I think the fav-est song right now for me would be "New World" by TobyMac from the soundtrack of the Chronicle of Narnia : The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe while the fav-est album would have to be Steven Curtis Chapman's "All About Love". It seriously rocks. Yup, it does. And of course, I love all the other music too!!!
Anyways, that's about it for now, I guess. Apart from getting woken up in the middle of the day by friends calling me from Madras and by other friends during the middle of the night... Life's still good.
And before ya go... One more thing....... [A whispered hush] God is on the move... [Accompanied with the slow decisive nodding of the head] Yes He is.