Making money: The fast and easy way - Is it wrong or is it sin?

Just Google make money easy or make money from home or something like that - and you'll get tonnes of results which purport to be valid ways of making money - quick, and easy. The funny thing is - some of them end up asking you to pay out a hefty amount of anywhere between $10 to $90 (for courses and material on making money from home) to start off on this easy way of making money.

Then, we have pay-to-click services (some of which are totally free) and other services such as Agloco or mGinger which seem to be a bit more trustable. But really, where does this all leave us?

I've got some Google referral packs on this blog itself, which, if ppl sign up, I get paid for it. :) Seeing that I'm not yet a millionaire, you can guess how effective that has been :P Anyways, at the end of it all, I guess it doesn't matter as to whether or not we sign-up on any of these sites - but it matters if we are obsessively caught up in trying to make money. Really, if we spend all that time making money, then we'll be stressed out.

So, be nice people (those of you who've got mobiles) and head over to and sign up. This is not a hoax - it works. However, it simply requires toooooooo many referrals to be of any use in the short run. It pays about 20 paise for every ad viewed on your mobile phone and about 10 paise for every ad that a person you referred views. So if all the droves and droves (read: 1 or 2) people reading this blog would head over there and ensure that the referral ID '811495' is entered when you sign up, I'd be grateful to y'all by a few paise more...

Sad? Not quite. Unbelievable? Trust me, I've seen worse. So get down to it.


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