
Yep. That's what gets hit at the end of the day... If you cough, it's Christianity to blame. If you don't, then Christianity didn't try hard enough. If the secularists (and non-Christianists) of this world argue one way, then the Christians argue the other. In the words of dc Talk, I'm "sick and tired of this same old fluff"!

Basically, I'm beginning to discover now what I've always known. The Bible presents very few facts for life. Of the ones that ARE presented, most are taken up for study in the most-learned and eminent schools of study and then each little line is expanded into a doctrine for eternity. This doctrine is then argued against by many other 'learned' scholars who look at that particular doctrine from the point-of-view of another lil fact in the Bible.

The Bible is fact. This - few can deny. However, just because it is fact, I do not believe this warrants a need to use it as a lawbook to slam down on our fellow brethren (and sistren!). All in all, this plain sucks - if we stop to think about it for a moment or so...

All said and done, life must go on though. And we are to live by the Word of God. Hence, what do we do in this perplexing dilemma? We take a leaf out of the Word of God itself and walk by the Spirit. Rather than the letter of the law, we live in accordance to the Spirit of the law-maker.

Cool, huh?! Like I said - been discovering something I always knew!


pilgrim said…
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pilgrim said…
Absolutely - it's like the whole Colossians bit... But I suppose it depends on which way you sway too... like now I think it's important on the simplistic level too - the Christian life is all abt balance... Which your blog is ;) Good rocking ;O

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