Indubitable - Miracles, Prayers, and a God who hears

Image:F5 tornado Elie Manitoba 2007, taken from Wikimedia Commons
Many things in life are indubitable. Look at the image above - it's a tornado. If you know what a tornado is, no one needs to tell you that this is a photo of a tornado. It's an established fact, and it wouldn't surprise you at all to see the photo and to hear someone say "That's a tornado". You know it's a tornado, and you would be unperturbed by learning that this is a photo of a tornado - it doesn't challenge your thinking and so does not get you all hyper and excited. This is the one thing lacking when it comes to our awesome God who listens to our every sneeze and answers our every prayer (some prayers receive a "No", but an answer nevertheless).

As believers, as people who believe in God, we seem to be amazed and stupefied at times when a miracle occurs or when a prayer is answered. Just visit any prayer meeting, and you'll know what I'm talking about. This irks me to a great extent. We get all excited when God dished out a teensy weensy miracle - it's what He does, people. Miracles and answering prayers is part of the nature of the almighty God - we need to get worked up only if what's in His nature does not occur. Nobody stands around and says "Hey, come look look... Water's flowing!" Nobody says that, because water always flows! We know it, so it's nothing new. Why then, do we treat the indubitable nature of our God differently? The only reason that I've seen is because we frail human beings find it extremely difficult to stretch our minds to comprehend the full and awesome nature of our God. There's only one thing to do - stretch. Truly dwell on how awesome and mind-blowingly huge our God is. The One who created the whole universe should find it extremely easy to provide for you, to clothe you, to put a shelter over your head and to sustain you with His own words - gifted to us through the Bible. Seriously, stretch. Your mind. Our God answers prayers and works miracles. This is indubitable.


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