Aboard The Science Express

From 5th June 2012 till 9th November 2012 I was a Science Communicator aboard the Science Express Biodiversity Special. The journey across various parts of our country was a superb experience which I doubt I'll ever see the equal of, for the rest of my life. I have stayed in some of the worst and best hotels, eaten some of the best and worst food found in this country, interacted with a wide variety of people ranging from the uncouth to the top brass of the scientific community of our country. I've interacted with bright-eyed, interested children and with youth who just wanted to pass their time in an air-conditioned space. I have been left wondering, at times, at the magnitude of the task that we were trying to undertake - to educate a people that did not want to be educated, nor did they care - while at times, the understanding smiles from a class of eager young children have left a lasting, glowing memory in me.

With this mix of memories, when I look back on my time on the Science Express, the one memory that shines bright is that of my colleagues. The ones I really liked, the ones I didn't care too much for, the ones that liked me, the ones that didn't like me much - all of them. Without each of them, this journey would have been so much different. It still would have been possible, but in an entirely different way with a different set of memories and a different set of possible outcomes. Right now, all I can say to each of my colleagues aboard the SEBS 2012 is, "Thank you."


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