Fake Call to extract Card information

UPDATE: A request to all who see this post: if you have Truecaller on your mobile, please store this number - 8409181059 - as FRAUD STEALING CARD INFORMATION . If enough of us store the number this way, Truecaller will pop this up when he calls other unsuspecting victims.

Putting this out there, so people with similar experiences can know - and people who haven't had this experience can be prepared for this - if and when it happens.

My basic advice for such prank calling:
- Keep them online as much as possible
- Do not divulge any personal / identifiable details
- Lodge a complaint with the police immediately after hanging up on the call (TN police website has an eazy-peazy complaint registration system)

So, this is the first time I've received a hoax call. Here's how it went:

8409181059: "Hello, calling from State Bank; your card is no longer functional"
Me (who doesn't have a State Bank account): "Oh, you're calling from State bank?"

8409181059: "Yes, I'm the branch manager.... Your card isn't functional, and we need to re-activate it"
Me (who has already realised what's going on, and is going to try and keep him on-call for as long as possible so that he doesn't scam others in that time): "Oh, which branch?"

8409181059: "State bank...."
Me: "Yes, which branch?"

8409181059: "T Nagar"
Me (Mentally making a note that some shop / purchase I've made in this area has led to this!): "Oh okay. What do you want?"

8409181059: "Your card number...."
Me: "Okay, hang on... let me pull it up"

8409181059: "Yes, yes, your card number...."
Me: "Sure, let me pull it up"

8409181059: "It will be on the front of the card, sir"
Me: "Since this isn't my primary account, I'm not having it with me at the moment. Gimme few minutes. Let me pull up my card details"

8409181059: "Okay, okay... 16 digit number ... front of the card...."
Me (pulling up my actual debit card details, to provide a falsified number): "Okay, I have it"

8409181059: "Yes, tell me...."
Me: 7 - 7 - 1 - 4 ...

8409181059 (confused): "Seven?!!?"
Me: "Yes"

8409181059: "No sir ..... (comments away from phone about me being dumb!) ... it is a 16-digit number on front of card"
Me: "Yes"

8409181059: "It should start with 4 or 5 or 6"
Me (Having not known this all my life!): "Oh, is it?

8409181059: "Yes, sir. Front of card. 16-digit number"
Me (thinking of another fake number): " 5 - 2 - 9 - 2 ..."

8409181059: (excitedly) "Yes, yes... this is it... Tell me"
Me: Completes giving out a fully fake number

8409181059: "Wait sir, let me check it"
Me: "Sure"
(Can hear him typing away at a keyboard)

8409181059: (dejected) "Sir.... This is incorrect. Wrong card number"
Me: "Oh? Is it wrong? How?"

8409181059: (mutters) "Idiot..." and hangs up call.

I called him back.

8409181059: "Sir, card number is incorrect, sir"

He cuts the call again.

(My subsequent call to the Cybercrime police department was interesting as well. Will post about it shortly)


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