More Than Anything

There's this awesome song composed and written by Jon Mohr & Randall Dennis - performed by Christian contemporary greats - Point of Grace - in 1992. It goes a little bit like this :

            God loves people more than anything
            God loves people more than anything
            More than anything He wants them to know
            He'd rather die than let them go
            'Cause God love people more than anything

            God loves the weary when they're too weak to try
            He feels their pain, He knows their shame
            He cries with those who cry
            He won't give up or walk away when other people do
            'Cause God loves people more than anything

This song could be (and more often than not, should be) the lifesong for us as children of God on this earth. At the end of the day, everything said and done, the fact of the matter is that our God loves people more than anything... So much so that He died rather than let us all perish to hell for eternity. Awesome... Simply awesome. If we can just reflect an iota of that love for the people around us, then our world will be heaven on earth indeed!

With love.


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