
aJCfreak. It's a simplified version of "A Jesus Freak". I flicked the concept from the dc Talk. There was a phase back in college, when I used to mutilate furniture (cots, desks, tables, chairs) with the phrase A Jesus Freak woz 'ere... and thats when I decided to go in for an email ID that reflected this too. It was the middle of 2005, I guess (May-June) and I'd jus gotten an invite to Gmail... so I got it - ajcfreak at gmail dot com. Since then, it's been a long time in catching on, but it's finally caught on - atleast in ma head.

So that's what I am - aJCfreak. Atleast, I try to be at most times. More often than not, I fail... But mostly, I stand on His grace.

FYI, here's a list of some places where I've signed up with this particular alias:

1. Wikipedia (English) plus my IDs on many of the sister projects of Wikipedia
2. Online Photo album
3. Blogger - this blog that you're reading right now!
4. YouTube!
5. Online storage space on e-Snips

After all is said and done, when the deal finally goes down (as B Dylan says), I don't think it matters whether I called myself "a Jesus Freak" or not... I don't even think it matters if I live like "a Jesus Freak" or not... What really matters is that our Lord loves me. More than anything... He made this whole universe to tell me that. He died a shameful death to tell me that. And He's stuck through my measly excuse of a life to tell me that... And He's still telling me that. He's still telling me things that even angels only wish they knew...

How lovely.

God bless you if you're reading this right now. I prayed a blessing for you, readers. So don't worry - wherever u r in ur walk with God (even if the walk is non-existent), He loves you immensely. Be blessed and be a blessing.

For the love of God...


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