The Rat-a-thon!

Yep - you read it right - it's the Rat-a-thon and I'm blogging about it... Can ya believes it?!

Our story begins on one fine Winter day in Bangalore at the residence of #7, 1st Cross, Nagappa Reddy Layout located in A Narayanapura. It was the 26th of November, 2007. Suddenly, a streak of speed and gray caught the corner of our young hero's (Me, Myself, Dan) eye. Yep - it was a rat. Oh my, Oh goodness! What to do, what to do...... Our young hero freaks out and then decides on the brilliant plan of locking up the rat inside the room that it ran into - incidentally, our young hero's own room!

And there it stayed, and ate (our hero's clothes - phooie!) and lived.... Until the 8th of December bounced along. While at the Forum mall, our young hero called up his dear friend Mr. Merwin James (known in Rat circles as the Merwinator... :D) and invited him to the housing event of the year - The Rat-a-thon!

Trying to get rid of a rat in your house is like trying on a pair of pants full of ants... You dunno whether to kill the ants or take off the pants. Serious. It's the same. Well, opinions may differ - and I had plenty of opinions to choose from. They ranged from "Get a cat!" to "Use the poison which induces the desire in the rat to go outta the house and die". But none were useful. Anyways, so Saturday evening the Merwinator came over... and we chilled out a lil bit watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and then we decided to enter my room. My goodness... It was stinking bad. So we put on the washing machine for a spin, used a good bit of Wild Lavender room freshener, and starting whacking the cupboard, shelves, boxes, etc. to try and scare out the rat. Sadly (or rather, HAPPILY) there was no sign of the rat. God must have dealt with it in His own sweet way. Don't worry - there's no smell of a dead rat - so it's not died in there. Although, it has pooped and pee-ed all over da place......

Sunday saw me starting the final leg of the Rat-a-thon - the clean-up of the Rat's mess. Seriously folks - ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies! Eeks... It was bad. I've got to finish it by this weekend though. :)

A minor note : It struck me how like life's situations this thingy was. I mean, many a time in life, we let something which shouldn't be there in our lives into a corner of our life and we let it stay there - pretending it isn't there and hoping it'll go away. And mebbe eventually such things do leave our lives - but the clean-up afterwards is a serious pain... So watch out for those cobwebs in the corners. The Father of lights can shine wisdom on us to help clear 'em all away!

Adio, minions.


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