Band in the Air

Looks like the band (that has been a looooong time in coming) could become a reality pretty soon... Bina Mathew (my bosom pal from CSI CE) hooked me up with a school pal of hers - Renu Kotian, who's supposed to have this awesome, sultry voice, and who's apparently dying to sing in a rock band.

A lil bit of chatting with the Kotian cleared up preliminary fears and encouraged me to meet up with her. She's like this perfect fit for the kinda band that I've had in my head. So that's one.... Now, if only we could get a guitarist, drummer, pianist.... that would be lover-ly.........

Currently, we're calling it the Band in the Air or BITA for an acronym. This is a temporary name - it could become permanent. We'll see what our Lord wants.

The band's gotta be for Christ, and the ppl have to be all out for Christ. We need to focus on personal purity and communal harmony. Dedication to such things would help us go a long way.

God help us and show us all how!


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