Crazy Coonoor

Yeah, Coonoor is a crazy lil place for me. It's where some of my bestest friends from college, CSI CE, spent most of their weekend time while at college. It's where I've gotten to know some really cool people at Union Church. It's also where I've spent the least time, while I studied in Nilgiris.

Putting all that aside, this past weekend was spent in UC, Coonoor, and it was a splendid time. It was refreshing physically, it was invigorating spirit-wise, enriching spiritually, enlightening knowledge-wise and brilliantly endearing. Yeah - a lot of adjectives. I just felt the need to jot down a few thoughts about the whole affair and where each of the Dudes4Christ dudes are in their lives right now.

Smitha, my wife, darling and the love of my life, thoroughly enjoyed the time there. She was pretty much at home, mostly :) The dudes all seemed more mature than our college days, albeit they maintained their characteristic streaks that made them stand out during college. Alexander Rohan John's crazy grin, Ajay John Paul's love for gadgets, Kaveendran's coolness and DSLR-camera-ness (!), Vinamzi's reserved yet insightful wisdom, Sugat's silent, thoughtful grown-up-ness... It was all there. Throw in some screaming (read: noise-making) fits from Anna and Arpana, with Rishanth there to remind us of more bygone times and you've got a recipe for a successful "reunion".

I've been terming this past weekend as a "re-ignition" for the photo album on Facebook, and the short video. Was it really a re-ignition? If yes, then what exactly was re-ignited? Truthfully, I can't say that we're all shooting off to the ends of the earth after this trip, fully ignited and burning for God. But I can say that this time was pretty useful in keeping the bonds that bind us together alive.

Re-ignition happened in many ways for us. Each one of us took back with us memories of our own. Put 'em all together, and what do you get? The Dudes 4 Christ gang. We're not just dudes. We're Dudes 4 Christ. Each in our own way, manage to shine for Him who lead us out of the Darkness. And this, makes even crazy Coonoor seem like an awesome place - cos that's where the re-ignition took place.

God bless, y'all. Be ignited.


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