Adiós, publicidad!

I'm leaving the world of advertising. It couldn't be simpler than that.

But if you ask me where I'm going to next, the answer's slightly more complicated - I'm taking up two part-time roles, at my church (Ashraya) and at my old school (Anita Methodist). Doing a variety of things.

This decision has taken a few months to make, and I'm super-grateful to the support of close friends and family. My wife has been supportive about the move in ways I couldn't have even dreamed of, with an inner strength and childlike faith in God's 'leading' like only she can possess.

My thoughts have kept going back to my quitting HP, and how God orchestrated that.

I've agonised over what I would be writing here, but decided to restrict it to the things I'd like to remember as the highlights of this move are (in no specific order):

  • I've learnt and grown much, in my four years in advertising
  • My whole concept of working/functioning in an office environment has evolved - what I'd like to call my 'work ethic'
  • I carry with me zero regrets
  • I'm immensely grateful to God for allowing me to maintain my personal integrity, while working in a field that the whole world considers as 'insanely deceptive'

Finally, I take with me plenty of memories of my four years in advertising, and I'm going to try and post a single memory every day for the next thirty days (I'll try!) on my Social Media channels (what better way to bid adieu to a job in Digital Marketing?!).

Adiós, publicidad! (Goodbye, advertising!)


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