Of blogs, geeks and Indians

For those of you (the two or three individuals out there) who are waiting for an update about my life, this isn't it. This post is fully and completely dedicated to detailing the unofficial story behind The Indian Geek.

Long, long ago I started a side-blog titled "Dan's Desirables" to write about gadgets I love and desire. The blog turned out to be posts about mostly Apple products. (No surprises there, eh?!) Nearly two years ago, the blog was moulded into Gadget Desirables adding Josh Rajasingh as a co-author. We didn't write much about anything after that, apart from writing about the gadgets/technology that we owned. Add to this the fact that I was a keen follower of all Apple-related news and rumours (via Macrumors.com) and other tech-related news (via WinSuperSite.com and Engadget.com) and you have a dude with a wealth of geeky knowledge.

When reading articles on Indian tech sites and blogs, I was appalled by two things - one, the lack of functional English. I'm not expecting Shakespeare to stand up and applaud for these articles/posts, but I do expect a certain level of English grammar when reading something from reputed Indian tech sites and blogs. Two - these sites generally never seem to "get" what exactly they're talking about. Leave it to them to talk about 320x480 QVGA displays and 800x400 WVGA displays on smartphones... Sheesh.

In September 2010, when chatting with the afore-mentioned Joshua Rajasingh (he's in the US) it suddenly struck me that we should take Gadget Desirables and make it an Indian tech blog. We can write decent-enough English, and we know a thing or two about technology. Why not put this information out there for everyone to see and read? With this sort-of-thinking, The Indian Geek website was born. We added the geekiest guy I know, Digital Ajay (Ajay John Paul) to the mix, and we were good to go. We currently write articles about technology, trying to demystify technology for every Indian consumer out there. If we had a rupee for everytime a sales chap at a tech-related store (The Mobile Store, TATA Croma, etc.) made a blunder about a feature of a mobile phone - we'd be rich people. To help our Indian consumers make easy and informed decisions, we birthed the site. We've since written a host of articles, and crossed a few significant (atleast, to us) milestones.

Where does God plan to take all this? I don't know. All I want to do is - get the info from our heads to the people out there. It's pretty simple really - let's say you want to buy a mobile phone. Walk into a store, and the sales guy would be like "This handset is moving well now, sir/madam" Who the heck cares? A thousand people may buy a specific handset - but there's only one out there that's the perfect fit for you and your budget. Android may be well and good for many people, but your needs may require a Blackberry. You may be a stylish executive with a need to impress your clients, which may influence your decision to get yourself an iPhone 4. Whatever you do, you need to look at the options out there and decide what you want to buy, with the money that you possess. And that's why The Indian Geek exists. To geekify every Indian. :)


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