What makes a couple lovers?

Bacon Breakfast Sausages à la Dan, with sparkling Cranberry juice - my Valentine's Day breakfast

I've been married to my wife, Smitha, for more than two years now. Our "love" relationship preceded our marriage by more than three years. If I search my heart, within its innermost reaches, I find that I'm still deeply in love with my wife. True, life has its ups and downs, and marriage requires focus and dedication. The recent Valentine's Day "celebration" has made me think about couples and how we show our love.

I had long-planned a surprise day filled with many acts of love; with a mysterious line accompanying each act with the day ending with my "line" for Valentine's Day 2012. A couple of days before Valentine's Day, and all my acts were lined up. I had bought what was needed to be bought, I had prepared what was needed to be cooked, and (thankfully, in hindsight!) I didn't book tickets that need to be booked (I wanted to "stick it to the cinema theaters" and not pay their convenience charge!). Smitha being out of town till 12th February morning, helped me prepare everything for the surprise. Due to certain unavoidable reasons, plans changed, and I had to quickly adapt to preponing all acts to Monday, 13th February. The second setback was my mysterious lines which were to accompany each act; due to certain other, erm, unavoidable circumstances, the planned method of delivering these lines failed completely. Then, a friend (of Smitha's) in need made us modify the plans for the evening. All in all, my wife bore the acts at sporadic, intermittent intervals with no "mysterious" love thread binding them all together. Guess what? I spent more than the entire day with my wife, and I loved each and every moment of it.

I'm OCD-ish about certain things. Planned things have to go according to the plan. But this Valentine's Day, with my plan out of the way, and Smitha experiencing me for me alone, I had to step back and realise that my memorable time with her was not because of any well-concocted plan; my memorable time with her was because of how awesome she is (great company) and the true love that we hold for each other, deep in our hearts. So, getting back to the title of this post, what makes a couple, lovers? That they hold hands when walking down the road? That they eat from the same plate? That they are found at the film theater, cuddling with each other? That they find time to cook, eat and enjoy TV together? Or that they are great in bed together? While all of these can complement a great couple, none of these can make a couple true lovers. A couple are true lovers if they can just simply enjoy each other - regardless of whether you're eating a lovingly cooked meal, watching a film together, trying out new clothes, spending time with a friend in need.

So go ahead. Simply enjoy your better half. Simply. For while engaged in the littlest things in life, our greatest moments are born.


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