The Every Day

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When the freshness of the chase is still alive
When the dew of the morning is not yet dry
When the heat of the sun has not yet risen
Stay in that moment
Stay for a lifetime

Where the memories you've made refuse to leave you
Where the mistakes of yesterday no longer define you
Where the worries of the world melt in your hopes
Stay in that place
Stay for a lifetime

When the love you hold becomes warmer to decide
When the colours of nature fill you with joy
When the tranquility you seek, is found in life
Make that your state
Every day, for a lifetime

When the light of your life fades from within
When the child that you reared, cleaves from your self
When the joys that you seek, are found less and less
Flee from that burden
Don't stay for even a day

Till the shore that you yearn, is reached in full
Till the curves in your path, are just happy challenges
Till the ones you hold dear, hold enough of you dearly
Find such a place
Stay for a lifetime


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