Long time

I guess its been too long since I last posted - so many things have taken some interesting turns...........

Graduated (or is that 'convocated' in India?!) on the 17th of March. Brought my phone bill down to 1/3rd of what it used to be..... (It doubled again, this month)

All in all - its been pretty busy. Rarely see ma brother nowadays since our shifts rarely cross paths.... Its a lil bit better when he's got his weekly offs on Sat/Sun. That way, I get an opportunity to blow more cash on weekend lunches.... ;)

Anyways, got loadsa ideas to write stuff here. Mebbe when I have time..........

And ya, God's leading me through many different possible avenues. Reaching new heights (or shall I see revisiting hitherto unconquered ones?!) is always a joy and a pleasure.

Keep watching this space... A blurry of activity comin this way over the next coupla months.

All for now! Take care and ciao...


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