Hangin' out

Del P, Dhanu, Aneks, Dandyboy and Kave... Who's missing? Geen, of course!

What happens when most of your usual friends don't turn up and you're kinda lost and feeling outta place at a Knaniah-ite wedding? Well, you hang out with ppl you've never hung out with. And it was wonderful... Serious. I never thought that I would one day be hanging out with these exact people.... Was really nice. And better yet when Geen joined us - we were a merry lil crowd.

Of course, time didn't permit us to freak out as they say... but we did get to drive around KTYM in a mad rush to ensure that Dh caught her train on time, that An and Ge caught their bus and that we (Del P, Kave and me) could make it to Kumaragam. ;-) Like I told Kave, thank God for his awesome Viva with the Air con and the music collection et al... Was a blessed time.

About the D4C and the Kumaragom trip, I'll write more when I've got those pix - probably sometime next week. :-) And I guess I know now why Kerala is called God's own country - cos anyone'd want to live there if they just saw the place. Sadly, though, God's own country is still populated by - humans. No offense, folks. Just a fact of life.


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