
Possibly. Hopefully. There's a lotta change involved with my life right now. Over the past few months, I've been spending loads of time on Wikipedia and certain of its sister projects... Chk out for more info on that.

Well, right now, the biggest changes are these - my longtime friend from college, the one and only Ru is getting married this Saturday. It's gonna be awesome and its got all of us excited (us, as in, the dudes and the gals!) So Thursday - Monday I'll be in God's own country - Kottayam, to be exact.

On Sunday, my dear bro takes a flight out to the UK. Lucky dude, uh?! Why oh why?! :) Nah... Me actually happy for him. Just sad for me, is all.

Otherwise, things are going wonderful, I guess... I'm completing 14 months at work. Awesome... There's an awesome comp at home. It's been there for a coupla months. Mebbe I'll drool all about it in a post soon.

Lastly, lemme just point out that I just seem too disinterested to blog these days..... That's why I haven't posted anything for ages. But I've sure wanted to.

Anyways, God be blessed. He's sure made all things both beautiful and new and taught me things that even angels only wish they knew... Adios!


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