Wedded 'n glad

When you've just stepped into the bride-to-be's ancestral home, and the bride's bro asks you "Would you like to freshen up?" while holding out a towel, it does not mean you take a bath! Cos if you do, then you might end up finding (like I did) that the entire household (yep - extended family included) was waiting for you to finish so that lunch could be served..... Very embracing moment, that!

So she's married. And that's definitely a wow. This is the first person within the close circle of friends from College to get married. And what a match, too! Her hub's beyond doubt, the chubbiest tall, good-lookin dude I've ever seen. And they look good together, by all means... This match is made not only in Heaven, but on Earth too ;-) Chk da pic.
It really was a nice experience - I didn't understand a word of the entire ceremony. I was actually waiting for " ... in sickness and in health.... in blah and in blah-blah... until death do us part..." or something along those lines; or atleast, a couple of "I do"s. But na - suddenly, the service was over and people started filing out. Apparently, all that marriage jargon was completely finished in Malayalam. (But we never really found the exact truth, cos the only Mal with me there, Del P, couldn't quite make out what the priest was saying!)
Anyways, that ended a really long-anticipated event. The day that Ru became half. Del P couldn't believe it at all - the rest of us heard the line "I can't believe that Ru is married" atleast thirty times that day. Was bugging! But at the end of the day, I guess none of us could. Maybe we all thought that it'd always stay fun; maybe we all thought that it'd always stay college-like; maybe, just maybe... we all thought that we'd always be only 14........ Makes one think, doesn't it?


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