MacBook 2.4 Ghz White - It's not costly

Hey all....

I've just had a glorious weekend sleeping over at S uncle's place (from church). And yesterday, Sunday, I convinced him to purchase a MacBook. Or rather, I convinced him to take a look at the MacBook at the Imagine store in Forum Mall. (For the sake of our international readers, I should mention that India does not yet have a single Apple Store)

So we went... And I told one of the sales guys that this uncle wants to purchase a MacBook - so do your best job in selling it. Truth be told, half of the selling was done by moi.... There were even certain facts which that guy had got wrong. :) A quick check on the Internet proved I was right. The sales guy was mighty pleased to meet such an Apple fan... Anyways, I spent the night over at uncle's place, setting up Leopard (which is a cinch) and then going through a few key actions and customisations so that uncle would be able to find his way around it.

Uncle was really really really pleased with GarageBand. He feels that that's going to be a mighty temptation which would keep him away from his work. (wink wink)

Anyways, I'm pretty pleased with the first Mac that I've personally sold...... and pretty excited! Like I told Uncle.... most weekends from now on would be spent at his place. Weekdays, his shift and mine simply don't coincide. :(

A great purchase. But the most surprising thing (even for me) was that the MacBook wasn't really that costly at all. A quick comparison with similarly component-alized HP or Dell Notebook computers showed that they come up to the same price, around 60k. If you switch Vista Home Premium to Vista Ultimate, the price goes well above the 61k price tag of the MacBook 2.4Ghz White. Remember, the MacBook has a 2nd generation 2.4 Ghz Core 2 Duo processor with 3 MB of L2 cache memory, an 800-Mhz FSB, 2 GB of 667-Mhz RAM and a looooong lasting battery. Of course, the system also has the world's most advanced Operating System. It really is. I've tried it. :)


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