Trip Up North - Part 2: Meet The Parents
For the uninformed, the entire trip up north to Gujarat this past Christmas week was so that my parents could meet up with Smitha's parents. None of us were really expecting anything much to happen - it was supposed to be a simple spend time together thingy.

So after that decent train journey, I landed in Baroda at around 05.15 on Monday, the 22nd of December, 2008. I caught an auto (with the help of RM's dad, since I don't know Hindi or Gujarati) to the hotel where my parents were put up. They were waiting up for me and we had a nice lil reunion early in the morning. I then set off to wake up ma sweetie.
I entered Smitha's house, and aunty is like "Smitha!!! Wake up, wake up wake up!" while I was like "Nooooooooo!!!! Let her sleep, please!!!!" :) I just simply love watching her sleep. She looks soooo beautiful and peaceful. Here, take a look.

My own sleeping beauty
I just sat there for some time, watching her sleep. After she woke up and we had some breakfast, she got dressed so that we could go to the hotel and bring my parents over. Again, she looked so beautiful that I clicked a few snaps while she was trying to get me out of the house. Hence, the angry look. :)
Dan, are you gonna put down that camera and come, or not??????
Anyways, so we went and got my parents (finally!!!) and they came over and we all just sat around. Then, my parents gifted Smitha a saree! She was totally taken aback. In a good way. (grin) (grin)
I convinced her to wear it and come, so that all of us would be able to sit around formally dressed (while secretly wishing that I could take 200+ million photos of her) and she gracefully obliged, like the sweet darling that she is.
So then, we had a lil photo shoot. The most important photos are posted all over ma orkut profile and ma Facebook profile, so check 'em out there. I'll just give out a few goodies here.
Ma darling sweetheart and I
My parents, her parents, and the two of us...
My BiL 2 (The younger of Smitha's two younger brothers, duh!)
So what exactly did we discuss? Nothing much. Really. It was like an ice-breaking session between the two sets of parents. We spoke of how we would need to fit in the wedding and the engagement to suit Enoch's (my BiL 1) army schedule... We also spoke of the location of the wedding/engagement.... But nothing was made certain or finalised. Looking back, I really like that. Cos God's not yet shown us exactly when, what and how things are to be done. When He does move, He's gonna rock the show. So be prepared, yo!
All said and done, it was a very nice time of getting to know each other's families a little bit. Smitha's parents were extremely hospitable... They went out of this universe to make all of us comfortable. The fact that my bro, Sam, and Smitha's other bro, Enoch, were not present and they were missed.
EDIT: I forgot to mention an important nice-ty. Smitha and I jointly presented our parents with some Christmas gifts. I've not taken photos of them, sorry. We gave the two fathers two formal ties and the mums received handloom shawls. Smitha also got my mum a hand-made file folder carrying thingy. Our parents were all-round well-pleased. Grin grin grin. :D