Five years: Of Bangalore, of HP, and WWJD

So it's been five years since I came to Bangalore to work with HP. These five years have been filled with fun, laughter, eating out, getting to know people, learning bits and pieces of Kannada and Hindi, attempting to launch a proper band to sing/perform/record the songs I write, attempting to write a book or two to vent my imagination based on reality, 3 residence changes, working out of five offices, falling in love totally and madly with my wife, nurturing patience within and understanding a teensy-weensy bit of the world around me.

Life at HP has had its ups and downs. Looking back over the past five years, I can only say that God's providence and grace has been with me throughout, and brought me to where I am right now in this mega-mega-company. Everything in these past five years has not been "rosy", but I personally have no regrets. I am very glad with what I am doing right now, and am happy to be where I am.

If you are anything like me, you'd be wondering "All this is fine and dandy, but what in the world is that WWJD band doing here?" To explain, a bit of history. I like being a Jesus freak, and I love most things that are attached with such concepts. "What Would Jesus Do?" is a worldwide movement/phenomenon/concept which technically should serve as a reminder to Christian believers to make the right choices while struggling with the tough decisions that life calls us to make. My Dad got this for me back in 2005 November, and I've not removed this since that time. It just needed adjusting now and then, as my puny hand decided to gain weight. I have decided to take this off right now for various reasons - the biggest and the most important being that this has stopped serving the purpose quite a while ago. God uses several other means and methods to help me understand and choose the right decision. The WWJD band has faded into oblivion in my life, and serves as nothing more than a mere piece of dirty green and white on my hand. I love Jesus, but see no further point being achieved by the band on my hand.

What's all this got to do with my five years in HP and Bangalore? I don't quite know. However, in a manner of speaking, I think I'm trying to say - a segment of my life is done. Volume I in my post-college era is over, and I'm moving on. Volume II looms ahead, with uncertain paths and unconquered territories. I'm pushing on. My heart hasn't caved in, so I'm still singing His name.


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