7 Days without The Force Awakens: Day 1

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Episode VII) poster from StarWars.com
So, you're in India (or Greece!) and you can't catch Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Episode VII) in theatres till the 25th of December. You're bummed, and you wish there was something you could throw at the powers-that-be which make you wait so long to get your long-awaited Star Wars fix.

Me, being me, have put together a little something for those interested, to keep whiling away your time till the launch of the film in India.

I'll be putting out a post every single day, from today till the launch of the film in India - D day (Friday, 25th December). Each post will attempt to collate and provide access to content from across the Internet - stuff that many Star Wars fans may have already viewed or read.

For today, Friday, 18th December 2015, being the 7th day prior to the launch of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens in India, here's what you can do.

1. First, get your Google products in order to reflect what a fantastic Star Wars fan you are: https://www.google.com/starwars/ (You can also light-saber-ify your Facebook profile icon here: https://www.facebook.com/StarWars/posts/1068727766512157

2. Second, if you haven't already, read this well-written case for watching the Prequel + Original trilogies in the Machete order (Episodes IV, V, II, III and VI): http://www.nomachetejuggling.com/2011/11/11/the-star-wars-saga-suggested-viewing-order/ And if you haven't watched the films in a long time, then download the original films (unedited, as-close-to the original release versions!) through the 'Long Description' portion of the 'About' section of this Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/despecialized/info/ You can download these overnight, and watch them through tomorrow (Saturday).

3. Watch the Cinema Sins video for Episode IV - A New Hope below. WARNING: Mild NSFW for language of the narrator,

Come back tomorrow morning (roughly 9 am IST) for what to do tomorrow.


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