7 Days without The Force Awakens: Day 3

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Episode VII) poster from StarWars.com
Since Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Episode VII in the Star Wars filmogy) is releasing only on the 25th December (instead of the 18th December, like the rest of the world), I'm trying to keep everyone's Star Wars 'fixes' up, in the countdown to the India launch with the 7 Days without The Force Awakens series. We're on Day 3 now.

1. Watch this UK weather girl make plenty of Star Wars puns in a short weather report. It's fun!

2. Read this article from The Verge about how women and diversity is reflected in the Star Wars Universe: http://www.theverge.com/2015/12/7/9860588/star-wars-force-awakens-women-diversity-press-panel

3. Watch the Cinema Sins video for Episode VI - The Return of the Jedi below. WARNING: Mild NSFW for language of the narrator,

Visit again, tomorrow morning (roughly 9 am IST) for what to do tomorrow.


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