7 Days without The Force Awakens: Day 7

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Episode VII) poster from StarWars.com
Since Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Episode VII in the Star Wars filmogy) is releasing only on the 25th December (instead of the 18th December, like the rest of the world), I'm trying to keep everyone's Star Wars 'fixes' up, in the countdown to the India launch with the 7 Days without The Force Awakens series. We're on Day 7 now - which means The Force Awakens tomorrow! Yeah, baby!!!

1. We're almost there! Just 24 hours for the Force to Awaken in India! Yipppeeeeeeeee!!!! See and LOL at this meme from a week ago...

2. Read this spoiler-free review of The Force Awakens from The Verge. Trust me, there are ZERO plot-spoilers: http://www.theverge.com/2015/12/16/10243884/star-wars-the-force-awakens-review This should help prep your anticipation for the film's release tomorrow.

3. Watch the full set of trailers and spots for The Force Awakens below (have you seen all of them?!) I'm sure you can skip the 1.5 hour long Red Carpet premier video though (2nd video in the below playlist).

And tomorrow, go watch The Force Awakens. In theatres. IMAX, if you're in a city with an IMAX theatre. Enjoy it!


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