The Divine - Inexplicably co-existing

A gentle whisper... A softer word... A touch so tender that it blows away every thought that my 'human' mind is debating.

A thunderous roar... A stimulating wave... A dawn so stupendous that every breath that my body is inhaling is exhaled in a single gasp.

The immortal addresses the mortal as if he were an equal. I am stunned beyond words, beyond anything that can be felt or expressed with any of the senses that my mortaity has gifted me with. I look awed upon the glory and the splendour of the One. The only One with the power to take away what I am and make me what I can never be otherwise. This only increases the realisation of my filthy existence. Like a child to its mother, I wish to cling to Him. But I hold myself back... How can I be what I want to be, when He is the very picture of perfection and glory? Can I still remain me if He stays with me?

His look is deep. It penetrates my very soul. It reaches down into the depths of the night... The night that I just spent, no wasted away in unglory and shame. I am filled with a longing and a burden. A longing to take hold of everything that I've never had and a burden to carry my past with me for the rest of my life. He wants me to be His. I want to be His. But I remain in the deep chasm between His and mine.

He takes the next step. I almost breathe a sigh of relief. If He had not taken this step, I would have never gone over to Him. He took the step and did the deed. He claimed what was lost by giving up what was His to gain what was always His. For this, I will be forever grateful.

Now, things are slightly different... Everyday that I live on this earth, I spent some moments in wild thoughts of nights like that one prior to the meeting between the mortal and the immortal. Everyday that I live on this earth, I am reminded of what it cost the immortal to embrace the mortal as His very own. Everyday, I live in the knowledge that it is purely by the grace of the immortal that this cracked, pitted and filthy mortal can dream of immortality. Everyday, I take the lady of my past to the place of the meeting and leave her there so that I may continue on in this world, forgiven and free. Yet, everyday, I find her in the things that I do. And there the cycle repeats itself...

Everyday, I live as a human who has seen the divine. Who has been with the divine. And who will live with the divine, eternally. This is humanity which has been divinated.


Anonymous said…
hmmm, the sequel's better 'course. This one is great... the emotion is tangible :) - prolly cos it's real! Not the sort of thing you'd read to find out what's next definitely... Glad to see you can write prose :P

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