Human - I am...

I awoke in the middle of the night to find a warm body by my side. In the quiet stillness, thoughts of the previous night flooded my mind. Tingling my nerves and titillating my senses, I realised that this was the evil with which I have lain so many times before and I continue to lie, unable to leave that which has always been a part of me. I look at this monster, this person, this desire, this craving... And I sigh. This is my existence. This has been my existence for quite a long while now.

The pattern of my thoughts shift toward the future, playing that age-old game of "Guess what's gonna happen tomorrow?" and the thought of what I would be doing after the break of dawn fills me with the deepest loathing for myself. For when the world sees the sun of tomorrow, I would wake with the world to embrace all that is good and all that the Lord suppliess to his human pets. Seemingly renouncing the evil that I myself chose to lie with, I would then go on to conquer my very lover-in-the-night as the worst enemy by day. This would satisfy my dreadful conscience and give my poor soul some rest. Till the world lies down to rest again...

When the world lies down to rest, then would I lie down to die to everything that I believe to be true. Everything that is functional and integral to the very existence of my soul and being. This is how I live. This is how I am human...


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