I Sing!

God's rockin me. Pretty hard.... And in a good way, this time around. Life's finally settling into a fast-paced, God-centred momentum....

Written two awesome songs in the past week. The Haunting was written as a follow-up to the crucifixion of Hope, while Beyond The Veil was written for the momentous occasion of Mishtu's marriage. Do check them out by clicking the 'New Songs' link to the right...

Apart from this, I'm getting more involved with the All Peoples Church. Atleast, I hope to. I really don't agree with everything that is taught there... But that is the case with any church. I cannot have a perfect church. Let's see... I believe that the Lord wants me at this church for some divine purpose, and that's enough for me at the moment. I've committed to helping out with setup prior to the services... And I'm thinking of getting involved with "The Sanctuary" ministry - started by one lady-member - which is a coffee shop, library, etc. all rolled into one, with a Christian atmosphere... Sounds awesome, eh?! Let's see how that wagon rolls...

On the personal front, been having fun at home just staying with myself. :D Well, my neighbours must be totally nonplussed by now... This morning, the dude from upstairs came and told me that my maps (I'd ordered a couple!) had arrived some four days back and that they were at his house... I picked them up, all totally happy. Then I got thinking... What would he have thought??? He he he... I dunno. My neighbours are being put through quite a bit... They had to receive my Kutless package from the States, then they had to endure that much noise, and now the maps...... Pretty soon, my Apologetix package should be arriving. Goodness, gracious me... I hope they don't mind!!!!

Btw, big plans for when I come to Madras. Already talked to a few people about meeting them - Khathee (with the entire school gang), AJ, Kareena, Sheks, Mishtu, CD and of course... The Elangos. Hmmmm.... Sounds good! Although I'll miss meeting da D4C gang this time round........ Sugat's the only one left there... And he's pushing off home to Balasore for the year-turnaround.

Well, folks...

Time's rolling and so am I
This road I walk on is not the end
The Lord keeps me looking high
I will see you there beyond the bend

Take care, y'all and God bless!


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