Love... And life-ing it!!!

Awesome... Simply awesome. The past coupla days have been some of the toppest ones in B'lore. I'm loving it!!! (Hence the title for this post ;) )

I've spent quite sometime with Aneka (CSI CEans would be knowing her!) and it's been really good. She came home on a morning, last week.

side comment >>> That's when I realised... Having a gal over is SOOOO much different from havin a guy (Jochu!) over... The house needs sprucing up!!! Sam, ya got budget fer that???? <<<

I've met Anek's aunt (wid whom she's staying) and her aunt's kids. They're pretty cool people and quite friendly. I was at the Christmas eve lunch/party (no booze) at my cuz's place.... Met quite a few new people. Then discovered on Christmas morn that most of them attend da same church as I do - All Peoples Church!!! How cool is that???

Christmas day was really cool. I finished church with Aneka and I was jus droppin her off near her place when my TL called. He said I could take the day off if I wanted to. Now temme.... HOW COOL IS THAT??? So then, I self-invited myself over to Dhanya's aunt's place. (Aneks and me saw her at the bus stop and just made the decision on-the-spot!!!) Had a nice Christmas lunch at their place. Then watched the Da Vinci Code on their HUMONGOUS flat panel TV and awesome sound system. They actually shifted their couch so we could have a better experience!!! After that, I spent sometime at Anek's place checking out her notebook and discovering nu nu things about the XP Media Center edition. I think it's cool and awesome - my first-time impression of it.

After all that, I login to office today and find that my MSDN subsription's come through (some internal agreement between MS and HP, I was told). I dunno how many of you know what this means, but I've not been able to think of anything else ever since I realised I've an MSDN subscription and I logged in to check out what all I could get/download. It's awesome. Think I'll become atleast a small-time developer of sorts... Though I don't have ANY experience in this field (Ya right - if you could call creating a quiz program for my department symposium in VB any experience!)

So... That's the status at the moment, kinda... And it's been going really great. The next set of stuff is all set to roll.... I need to pack my bags tonight as I'm off to Madras tomorrow night. I'll be walking through fields of gold once again, I guess... :D

Oh and the song-writing front, I just wrote a song last week for Mishtu who's getting married on Dec 29th - called "Beyond The Veil" Check it out and temme whatcha think.

I surprised our house-owners with a card and a half kilo of sweets as a 'special thought' for Christmas day. Wonder what they thought... No feedback on that, yet. Our other neighbours (the dude who was so patient with all our noise-making --- he lives right above us!) have not been spotted for quite sometime... So I dunno when I'll be able to give them their special thought.

Also, I had Merwin from work, over for a brief spell on Sunday evening. It was good. It was nice. Could've been better if he hadn't the need to run away so soon..... ;) Anyways, his being there did one good thing. I cleared up my room a lil!!! He he he... Though that's true, that's not the good thing I was thinking of. Merw's inspired me to keep printed stickers of inspirational Bible verses which I can hand-out to people who visit the house... It'll inspire them and give them a keepsake. Ya, the idea stems from the fact that my cousin's been handing out stickers of tons of stuff for visitors to his house for ages... But still, an idea is an idea. And a start IS a start.... ;)

That's about it for now, people. Take care and may the Lord bless you abundantly this season of Christmas. Remember, the Lord was born from a virgin and he was crucified, dead and buried. But He rose again... And therein lies our victory, our triumph, our authority and power as Christians. No demon from hell nor any scheme of Satan can ever shake this or take this away from us, the people of God.


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