Music music and MORE music!

Well, I've been alone at home for more than a week and contrary to popular opinion that I would go mad being home alone, I've been enjoying myself. Of course, my neighbours might not have had the same enjoyment...... I've treated them to the tunes of Walt Disney, Steven Curtis Chapman, Rebecca St. James, Matt Redman, Petra, Jump 5, some Tamil Christian stuff, OST - The Lion King, FFH and the PraiseBand. It's a wonder I've not had any complaints so far!

I've been having a pretty good week. Work's been going on OK due to my huge and major trust in the Lord. So it's really good... I'm able to face up to it.

I met Billy Yesudian last Saturday. He had come over to Bangalore to help out with the Steve's Gym outfit for an outreach programme. Of course, he knew me already cos Arul had intro-ed me to him. So he was actually introducing me to ppl as "This is Dan. He's a song-writer." You know..... I know that I write songs. But to hear of it from Billy's own mouth, it sounded really good. Vain human emotions... Well, he's a really cool and nice guy. Thinking of writing a song about the whole thing.... Should be out pretty soon, so keep yer fingers crossed!

After that, I spent the rest of the weekend at my cuz - Arul's - place. Sunday afternoon, he had the BMC (Bangalore Music Circle) gathering at his place. It was really cool.... Imagine having about 5-7 guitarists, a drummer, a bassist all under one roof.... With ten fans/singers to spare! It was really cool. They did some numbers by Grubby Halo, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, The Wonders, etc. and some Hindi ones too. Obviously, I don't listen to any of that stuff so I couldn't really jive to it. But the music playing was pretty good...

That's when I started thinking - When am I ever gonna get a band???? Lord, you hear me????????? Hmmmmm.... Guess it's not time yet!

That's it for now, I guess. Life is full and happening... It's actually pretty overflowing at the moment. So please do check it out anytime you wanna... ;)


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