Party In The House!

Last Thursday morning (7th Dec), Jochu (Joseph V) landed in Banagalore. I brought him over from the station and took him around the city a lil bit... He was totally awed by all the labels/brands factory outlets at Marathahalli. Then I dragged him along while I enquired about some home furniture and interior decor items at three furniture & style shops ;) In his own words "Daniel, you are tempting me!" And of course, the experience has given him certain ideas of his own for entrepreneurship..........

After all that, we went and bought some veal kebabs and sheek kebabs (from across the R. Station) and added a coupla drinks (Appy! NOT anything else). Jacaba (Arun J) and Varkey (Varghese I J) joined us that evening at my place.... Jochu and me were waiting for them at the corner of my street. When those two showed up, there was such a huge scene!!! Hugs and kisses all around.... No, I mean literally. I asked the three to pipe down, but ... to no avail.

We sat in my room and yakked and yakked... It was good. Really good. We talked about everything from Tech Support at HP (and Group Policy Editing in Windows XP) to being strict staff at an Engg. College (for which Jacaba got slapped by Maathu!) to attempts at gaining entry into the Indian Navy (which is why Jochu was here in B'lore). We also remembered lotsa stuff from our college days... Talking about our guys, their gals and the staff there. If any of you CSI CEans are reading this, please know that we were all TERRIBLY aghast and disgusted by the fact that one of our very own college staff is marrying one of our very own batchmates! I mean, how *UGHHHH* is that??? I dunno... Mebbe I should ask her about it. Or then again, maybe that might put a thorn in her side... :D Well, sometimes things happen in life and there's nothing we can do about it, so that's cool.

We were chatting uptil around half-past midnight. Then Jochu and myself went out to see off the other two, when we realised that it was Jacaba's Birthday!!!! (Dec 8th) So we dragged him back into the house and gave him as much bumps as three dudes (and one of the three being VERY skinny!) could give him. And we were having such a happy time together.... When my neighbour showed up. And asked us to pipe down....... MAN!!! That was so wierd... Wierd, because that's when I realised something about the long-suffering neighbours of my cousin, Arul... Cos his neighbours paid their first "You're too noisy!" visit to his place only after the drummer started on the drums... Even three guitars and stuff didn't bring them to his place. But here... We were just wishing a guy on his birthday!!! Anywways, I don't grudge him. We were making a lotta noise and so I apologised profusely. I thought it was necessary... :D

The first half of Sat was pretty uneventful apart from the fact that the Malayalee mess where I have my food served up an excellent prawn gravy. My goodness!!! Tasted like some home-cooked preparation....

Then Jochu and me made our way to Elevate - which is the youth worship thingy of the All People's Church... And man. It was good. It was held at Indian Stretchable Time, but was good, nevertheless. That's also when I learnt that our Youth pastor at APC (All Peoples Church) is getting married on Jan 5th. Hmmmm... He was sharing quotes from his experience and his love story.... Interesting!

Sunday morning was church at APC as unusual. Unusual cos I've not been that regular to church at all. I sleep off on most Sun mornings. :D That was really good. Think I fell in love with the Hillsong United song - "For This Cause"

Hope has found its home within me
Now that I've been found in You
Let all that I am be all You want me to be
'Cause all I want is more of You

Let Your presence fall upon us
I want to see You face to face
Let me live forever lost in Your love
'Cause all I want is more of You
All I want is more of You

I'm living for this cause
I lay down my life
Into Your hands
I'm living for the truth
The hope of the world
In You I'll stand
'Cause all I want is You
All I want is
All I want is You

It's an awesome song... Do check it out if possible, people...

In the evening, it was a pretty gala time at Garuda Mall with Varkey, Jacaba, Maathu (Mathew A) and Kunja (Anish J). We were simply roaming around and talking with da guys.

To finish off the day, Kunja, Jochu and I headed out to Pecos - that infamously good pub - and had some of the best pork that either of us has ever had. Soft, tender, juicy and not-so-spicy... It rocked.

All in all, this weekend made me so thankful to the Lord for MANY things. Most of them are for the blessings, talents and gifts that He has showered upon me. Also, I am so thankful to Him for this nice, large house that He's given. Cos it can accomodate a party-load of people!!!


Anonymous said…
hey! is *JeSuS FrEaK*...

Just wanted to tell u that the definition of the revival was the best one i have got so far.... thank you for taking the time to write and stop by!!... i guess ur right the sad part is: most people dont live for a revival or they dont keep it.... we always seeking it yet we find it and dont take care of it.... well my bro!!... God bless u greatly!!!!!!

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